Availability: In Stock
Brand: Regular
Short Description : Anchor / Jackfruit
Jackfruit is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoids. The presence of these antioxidants eliminates the toxins produced by the body as well as the free radicals which are harmful for us. Both toxins and free radicals have been known to cause cancer in the body.
Jackfruit is rich in two kinds of fibers- soluble and insoluble. It is very important to eat a healthy amount of fibers in your daily meal. The soluble fiber is quickly broken down by our body to produce energy and the insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool thereby easing up your bowel movement.
Jackfruit is loaded with high amounts of calcium which strengthens the bones and potassium which reduces loss of calcium through kidneys. Symptoms of bone related disorders like arthritis; osteoporosis can be managed by consumption of jackfruit.
Jackfruit also contains a good amount of iron in it. A proper concentration of iron in our body helps prevents disorders like anaemia. Iron also helps in aiding metabolism. vitamin C, magnesium and copper also help in improving the quality of the blood.
Jackfruit helps control the imbalances in the body which result in controlling of the asthmatic attacks. Especially when the symptoms are triggered by the pollution, jackfruit helps control the symptoms by eliminating the free radicals being produced in the body due to the pollution which otherwise lead to asthmatic attacks.
Availability: In Stock