Availability: In Stock
Brand: Cabbage
Short Description : Fresh Cabbage
Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of the Brassica family, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, and it’s one of the oldest known vegetables, dating as far back as 4,000 B.C. in China. It comes in several varieties—green, red, and savoy—which can be eaten raw* or cooked, thrown in a soup, tossed in a salad or stir fry, topped on fish tacos, or simply just steamed by itself.
Cabbage is an excellent source of the ever-so-important vitamin C, crucial for maintaining a strong immune system.
Cabbage has been historically known to heal ulcers due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that drinking cabbage juice is very effective in preventing ulcers.
Cabbage is high in energy-boosting B vitamins, including B1, B2, and B6. Next time you feel sluggish, swap out that cup of afternoon sugary coffee for a serving of cabbage
Availability: In Stock