Availability: In Stock
Brand: Poultry Egg
Short Description : Poultry Egg
One egg yolk has 221 mg of cholesterol against 300 mg of cholesterol needed daily. Research recommends 3 whole egg per week, as the whole egg has more vital nutrients and micronutrients for cell regeneration and anti-aging impact.There is a huge misconception about eggs that they are harmful, fattening and increase cholesterol levels. This is the reason why Poultry India has launched the nationwide Protein Awareness Campaign. The purpose is to raise awareness about the goodness of protein, both animal and plant, and let people know that everyone should have 1gm of protein for every kilogram of their bodyweight very day. Protein cannot be stored. Your body needs it daily in right quantities.
Egg is considered as a reference protein. Albumin is the nature of protein present in egg. Any food which has complete amino acid profile is a complete protein. Vegetarian equivalent to eggs are: milk/milk products 150 ml of milk : 5 gm of protein (nature of protein is casein). Other proteins like dal/ soy etc should be complemented with grains to get the complete protein. But we do not consider them as high biological proteins.
Availability: In Stock
Availability: In Stock